Friday, November 7, 2008


By: Michael Rocha

If you glanced at my outlook, then you would notice it is flooded with resumes from engineers! This is a great problem to have, especially in my business. I look at every single resume that is emailed, but I know other recruiters and clients who may not have time to look at resumes. So how do you get an employer to look at your resume? STAND OUT! I remember this time a girl mailed (not emailed, but mailed) me a beautiful resume and a portfolio on a CD. I thought to myself, if she took this time to mail me her resume, then she must be serious. What did she do? She stood out! When everyone is emailing resumes, then you mail resumes. Do you really want to stand out? Then overnight your resume by UPS! I promise you, whoever you UPS your resume to, they will look at it.

If you want to go a different route and be more creative then do a VIDEO RESUME. Check out this link…. and there you can see what I mean. It’s a GREAT IDEA!!!!! Now, with a video resume, don’t just email your resume link to an employer and say, click here for my resume. No, no, no…next to or under your email address on your resume (YES, it is good to have your email address on your resume) put the link to your video resume. For example, Video Resume : Link.

I hope these tips help! Also, when I say stand out, don’t do anything crazy, unless you see fit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

An even better solution is to use a company like InterActive Applicant ( It includes a free solution for applicants which allows them to upload their resume, then use their webcam to answer 3 questions, and then have a professional and organized resume/video side by side for the employer to view via a unique URL.

Darryn Severyn
CEO/Founder, InterActive Applicant